Monday, October 6, 2008

Daddy Baby Shower!!!

Now we know why babies cry. It is damn near impossible to drink beer from a baby bottle!

Zach (in the blue shirt) demolished me on the beer chugging race

Emily kinda looks like a baby lamb! Baaaaa!

This ain't no sippin' drink....oh wait, it was!

Recovering from the headache due to a very long beer chug race

I can so wear this!
Baby monkey gets a baby monkey teether
This thing is awesome! Imagine the bunny costume from A Christmas Story, but cute and a teddy bear
No more stone-age boiling to sterilize my's microwave time!
After 6 hours of partying, I could use 12 washcloths to clean me up.

Rita and Nina, the 2 main organizers of the event. Which was a hit, ladies!
Check out how awesome this rec room is too. That's about a 60" tv on the wall back there! Great for football thanks to a multitude of surround sound speakers.

Someday Damien's band Splitfinger will be world famous, so just remember you saw him here first. Colleen is his main squeeze, and also my manager! Damien is as tall as me, so she can't get away from being reminded she's 5'3"

Megan, a.k.a Scrappy, and I ham it up just a little for the camera.

Who invited gang members? I didn't know Kyle rolled with Canton, Ohio thugs.

It took a while for the girls to fill these...with melted candy bars. Try and guess which candy bar and you win...a miniature can of Play-dough!
Words of Wisdom: Don't leave a diaper in the microwave too long (or ever for that matter)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so not fair that I have to miss out!!!