Sunday, May 31, 2009

4 months and daycare!!!

Hayden turned 4 months this week and is growing by the minute! She weighs 14 lbs 8 oz and is 25 inches long. She has her next Dr's appt. on the 15th. Kevin went back to work this week, so Hayden went to daycare at Gail's. Gail has had a daycare in her home for 14 years. She watches 3 other kids. She is great! I didn't cry once dropping Hayden off because I feel so comfortable with her. So for all the grandparents back home....Hayden is in good hands and is getting plenty of hugs and kisses at Gail's!
Tuckered out!
Allie Kuhlman let Hayden borrow this "Jenny From the Block" jumpsuit. Kevin is being a "thug" in the back :)
On Saturday night, we went over to Drew and Courtney's to hang out. Hayden got lots of attention!
She liked Drew
On Sunday we pulled out the Jenny Jump Up that Sally got Hayden. She probably isn't totally ready for it yet, but she liked spinning around in it.

Below is a video of Hayden in her Jenny Jump Up. The other is a video with Hayden and her Brutus Blankie. She lies to take the blankie and cover her face with it and then fall asleep. She is goofy :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!!

As always, Hayden had a very busy week and weekend. Here she is in her Bumbo chair (which Auntie Wendi got her) She really likes it!

Hayden is like her cousin Carli....she sweats a lot! She was sleeping on my chest and when she woke up, her hair was drenched! She wasn't too happy, but we thought it was funny :)
Unfortunately, Hayden is losing her hair in the back. More specifically, behind both her ears. So the back of her head looks like a paintbrush (thank Lucas for dubbing that term). So after a bath, Kevin decided to style her hair like a bowl cut......poor girl :(
On Friday, we celebrated my 2nd cousin, Emily, 11th birthday! I think her Build A Bears made out more than she did!
Hayden sleeping in Aunt Karla's arms
Lauren and Lucas babysat Hayden Sat. afternoon so that Kevin and I could go to a friend's birthday party at Wine Steals.
Say What?!!
Hayden loves it when Lucas holds her :)
Lauren and Lucas took Hayden and Guido for a walk. Guido even got some exercise running with Lucas (his diet has been working, he has actually lost some weight)

Hayden after a bath

On Sunday, we went to an Engagement party for Michael and Mandy
Lucas and Hayden AGAIN!
Family picture. Hayden was wearing the most adorable dress that Grandma Jo and Pap Pap bought her.
Daddy and Hay Hay
Mandy's nephew Christian wanted to practice being a big brother since his mom is expecting. He was soo good with Hayden. At one point, Christian turned to Kevin and asked "What's in Hayden's cheeks?" Too funny! They are big cheeks!
Monday was beach day with me, Hayden, Loli, Jen, and Lisa. Hayden loves her little tent

Here is a video of Hayden beating herself with her rattle. The other video is of her with the hiccups!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 Year Wedding Anniversary!

Kev and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday. We ate Italian (pizza from Costco), drank wine, watched our wedding video and the video we took on our honeymoon to Italy. It was awesome! Boy, the time sure flies! We can't believe it has already been 5 years.
Naked baby, sleeping :)
This was my Mother's Day surprise dinner that Kev made for me. It was scallops wrapped in bacon on the grill with grilled asparagus and peppers. It was sooo good. If you look close, you see Guido's head in this picture :)
A close up so that you can see the presentation of dinner. I am a lucky girl!
More sleeping, naked baby
Our friend Meagan was able to swing by this week and meet Hayden for the first time. Hayden loved her and smiled the whole time!
Guido and Hayden
Big eyes!
Hayden has started grabbing her rattle, shaking it, and beating herself with it
Kevin met Jeannette when he was on jury duty. She stopped by to meet Hayden and have lunch with us. Hayden thought she was awesome and laughed and smiled the whole time!
This weekend was Wendi's annual Crawfish Boil! We look forward to it every year. RJ and Wendi have live crawfish flown in for Louisiana. It is a feast every year. This year we had jambalaya, fried chicken, crawfish enchiladas, mac and cheese, crawfish, and sooo much more. Hayden had a great time and was passed around and hugged all day. She was in heaven!
There's Wendi with Andrew and Joe
Dale and Hayden
Michael and Mandy diggin in to the crawfish. Yeah, that's me in the background holding baby and beer. I can multitask :)
Hayden and a crawfish
Sleeping in Mandy's arms
Beer glasses
Michael and I digging in to our crawfish!
Hayden has really been practicing to get her head and neck strong enough so Auntie Loli will hold her :) Well, last night was the night and Hayden was so thrilled! She couldn't believe Auntie Loli was finally holding her!
She was giddy with excitement!
Hayden had a long day and decided to pass out in Michael's arms
Cuddling with Lauren
Taking a nap with Brutus

Here are two videos. One is of Hayden kicking Guido and the other is of her smiling and then out of the blue she does the cutest pout/frown and then just starts smiling again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grandma Jo and Pap Pap Seiple visit!!!

This past week, we were lucky enough to have Kevin's parents (Jo and Ken) come to San Diego from Ohio to meet Hayden. There were sooo many pictures taken, that I had to put up two blogs (so keep scrolling down)! Hayden absolutely loved her Grandma Jo and Pap Pap!
Pap Pap and Hayden
Grandma Jo, Pap Pap, and Hayden at Seal Beach
Like an idiot, I accidentally dropped my flip flop over the ledge at Seal Beach!
See it? It was half way down the cliff and IMPOSSIBLE TO GET! Or so we thought........
Like a hero, Kevin was able to hook my flip flop with our jumper cables. Onlookers were very impressed!
Hayden and Pap Pap
Grandma Jo and Hayden
Kevin and Ken at Hodad's. The best hamburgers in San Diego!
Hayden and Daddy at Seal Beach
Ken and Jo at Seal Beach in La Jolla
Daddy and Hayden at Seal Beach