Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Being Induced......

Well I had my Dr's appointment on Monday and nothing had changed. So for the last three weeks, I have been barely dilated and not experiencing any contractions :( The Dr. gave us the option of waiting another week to see what happens or scheduling an induction. Kevin and I were both pretty anti-induction, the only problem was, I had already taken time off of work. I couldn't imagine another week of being off work without my little monkey. It seemed like such a waste! Plus, I am extremely impatient. Also, if I had opted to wait another week I would have had to go in and do a stress test to make sure the monkey wasn't stressed. If she was, then we would have to do an induction anyway.

So Kevin and I opted to be induced. We are going to the hospital Wed. evening at 6:30pm, which means that our little girl should be here Thursday morning!!!! Yeah!!!! We can't wait! Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pictures on Sunday night of our beautiful, healthy, baby girl!

Stay tuned.....

Jill and Kevin


Marisa said...

How exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures of her. I'll be thinking of you guys!

Andrea said...

We are thinking of you guys and can't wait until you have your monkey with you!! We love you and hope to see all three of you very soon :)
xox a and j

Unknown said...

Has the monkey made her appearance?

Ashley Dunaway said...

We are waiting to see pictures of Hayden! Hope you are going well give me a ring if you need a break or someone to bouce questions off of.xoxoAsh