Sunday, November 2, 2008

Engagement and Halloween!

Our good friends Mandy and Michael got engaged this week! We are very excited for them. Loli, Sally, Lauren, me and Kevin went over to their house this week to cook out and celebrate.

Here is the happy couple! Aren't they cute?

Here is her ring. Isn't it gorgeous! The diamonds are actually from Michael's family. I believe the center diamond was his grandmothers.

We also had Halloween this Friday night. We always sit outside our condo with neighbors and pass out candy. Me, Kev, Guido, Becky, Josh, and Brett hung outside and passed out candy and ordered pizza. It was really fun. We went through all of our candy. We dress Guido up in his spider costume. He hates it, but I think it is hysterical. Plus most of the neighbor kids get a kick out of it :)

Kevin's team at work won the Progressive Pumpkin carving contest for their office. It is supposed to be a biker that got in an accident. Hence the bike pedal in his eye. Kevin called him "Lance Arm-is gone" :)

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