Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nice Weekend

This weekend, Hayden attempted to get Guido to play dress up with her. She got as far as tiara's on both of them....
Kissing Guido to thank him for playing

On Saturday we went with Mandy to get her dog his vaccinations. There was a couple that had a kitten in this cage and Hayden was sooo fascinated with the kitten.

There is the kitty paw reaching out to pat Hayden on the head

Here she is reaching in and petting the kitty's paw. It was really cute.

That evening, Mandy and Michael came over for dinner. Hayden cuddled right up on Auntie Mandy's lap.

On Sunday, Hayden took her nap on the coach, hugging Roo.

She then fell off the coach in mid-sleep. Kevin put her back up on the coach and that is how she fell asleep.

Hayden and Roo

Here is a video of Hayden dancing with Roo

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