Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fun Weekend!

We aren't quite ready for potty training, but she'll sit on her seat and read magazines.
On Saturday we went over to Mandy and Michael's. Hayden had fun playing in a bucket.

Here she is singing and using the hose as her microphone. Unfortunately, she got her mom's voice :)

Playing in another basket

Hayden was a trooper, lasting all day without a nap. By the time we got home (around 9:30pm) she was out! Here she is passed out on the changing table (which she really doesn't fit on any longer)

On Sunday we went to the zoo. Hay is pointing to the hippo

After all the walking, she needed to take a rest and pretend to sleep (fake snore and all!)

This is her "Surprise! I'm awake face" So dramatic :)

Cool moment at the zoo where we got to see a Cheetah walking on a leash to her next location.

Checking out the lemurs

After we exhausted looking at the animals, we went to the zoo playground. Hayden is obsessed with the slide. Over and over and over and over again.....

After the zoo, we went to the grocery store. Kevin and I both had our windows down. Hayden wasn't saying a peep, but when we looked back, this is what we saw! LOL!!!!

This is a video of Hayden looking at the new pictures of Allie and Grady that they sent us. Hayden loves looking at pictures. The second video is of Hayden showing a real tiger (at the zoo) her tiger doll.

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