Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th and a weekend of Firsts!!

Michael and Hayden cuddling!
This weekend we moved on from rice cereal and entered stage 1 foods. Bring on the green beans! Hayden would make the worst face at first and then eat it and smile. Super cute!

That's the face!
We spent the 4th of July at the beach. Hayden had a great time and got lots of attention!
Loli feeding Hayden
Jen and Hayden
Jen feeding Hayden
Jen doing Hayden's hair
Hayden getting comfortable in Loli's arms
So, I have a bone to pick with my daughter. This weekend she decided to roll over from her back to stomach. Another first! She has done it at least 4 times and I have not seen it once! I get out of the shower and she is on her stomach, I wake up from a nap and she is on her stomach, I cook lunch and she in on her stomach....but when I watch her.....nothin!
chillin out on the beach with Mandy
Auntie Loli dipped Hayden's feet in the cold ocean. She was NOT a fan :)

sleeping on Auntie Mandy

Here is a video clip of her eating green beans for the first time.

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