Sunday, December 11, 2011


Saturday night we had some people over. Here is Auntie Mandy holding Quinn
Auntie Loli holding Quinn...

On Sunday we went to Seaport Village to see Santa and watch the Parade of Lights. The sky was gorgeous!

Hayden and Kevin in front of the tree

Ben and Jerry :)

Standing in line to see The Big Man!

The Parade of Lights was supposed to start at 5:30pm with fireworks and then 80 boats are supposed to boat by all lit up! We went out on the pier and had a good spot to see the boats. You can see why we didn't sit on the ledge! I hate Rats with Wings....aka Pigeons

At 6pm we saw ONE boat go by and they weren't even part of the parade. It was running late and it was getting pretty cold. So unfortunately we didn't see the parade :(


When we got home, Hayden and Kevin decorated the tree.

So cute.....

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