Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a great New Year's Eve and day. On New Year's Eve we had a slumber party at Mandy and Michael's. Hayden sported her Princess Monkey PJ's that Aunt MaryAnn got her for Christmas. Here she is sitting on Auntie Sally's lap
Partying hard! She is holding the New Year's hat that she made at daycare
laughing with Auntie Mandy
Wearing one of the dog's Santa hat
playing with her laptop
wearing her puppy slippers
big smile!
Hayden didn't make it to midnight. At about 10pm we found her making a bed in front of the fireplace. Shortly after, she was fast asleep in her pack-n-play
New Year's day we watched a bunch of football. Auntie Loli fed Hayden blueberries and she loved them
Uncle Michael fed Hayden a Spongebob Popsicle
Wearing the sweater that Auntie Loli got her
playing dress up

Here is a video of Hayden hiding in a dresser. She actually hits her head with the door and it sets her into a fit of laughter!

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