Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hay Day 2011!

On Saturday, Hayden turned 2! We had a great day and dubbed it Hay Day 2011! We are having her B-Day party next weekend when my parents are in town, but we couldn't let the day go unnoticed. We went to breakfast in the morning and then had some friends over to go to the zoo. Hay also got to skype with Clay, Lisa, Mitch, Will and Grace, Pappap and Grandma Jo, and Auntie Stacy. Auntie Stacy got Hayden a b-day present and in the package was a SpongeBob picture. Hayden loves it and she had to take a nap with it!
Auntie Loli and Yogi got Hayden a present.
What could it be?....
Is it a book?...
It is! It is a book of Hayden and all the people that love her! It is the cutest thing with pictures of Hayden with all of her relatives, aunties, uncles, and favorite things. So she can learn every one's name. Of course she said Yogi like 10 times when she was looking at pictures of him. I think Yogi is coming in almost tied with how much Hay adores Uncle Michael

Out at the zoo!
Hayden dreamily listening to Yogi
giving mommy a B-day kiss
smiling butterflies
At the petting zoo (within the San Diego zoo)
Hayden wanted to hug all the animals
She loves the fish
and the turtles. She ran right up to them and started yelling "turtles!'
Of course we saw plenty of monkeys at the zoo
Afterwards we went back to our place to cook out. Hay is wearing her B-Day crown Auntie Stacy got her and Auntie Lauren is feeding her salsa and chips
That evening I brought down the air mattress and thought that Kev, Guido, Hay and I would have a slumber party. Hay laid still just long enough for me to take this picture and then she was WIRED! She thought the air mattress was a fun toy to jump on. She kept at it, having the time of her life, until 11:30pm when I gave up and put her in her crib. So much for my slumber party :)

Here is a video of Hay being enthralled by a Jaguar

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fun Weekend!

It has been gorgeous here in San Diego. On Monday, I had the day off and Hayden and I went to the neighborhood park
Hayden loves playing dress up!
say "Cheese!"
Saturday Progressive had their Holiday party so Hayden got to spend the evening with Mandy, Michael, Loli, and Yogi
Auntie Mandy reading to Hayden
Cuddling in bed with Auntie Mandy
Watching the Simpsons with Auntie Mandy and the puppies
On Sunday we went over to Loli and Yogi's to watch the Steelers. Loli has this stuffed dog and Hayden fell in love with it. She sat on it almost the whole time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Slow Weekend

This weekend was slow and we didn't do much. Here is Hay saying "Cheese" for the camera
Giving me a kiss
Hayden loves tracing hands on her etch-a-sketch. Auntie Loli showed her how to do this when she babysat once and now Hay loves to do it all the time. Here she is tracing my hand
She thinks it is so funny!

She also traces her hand

This is a video of Kevin trying play guitar hero and have Hayden play her Elmo guitar at the same time. Hayden was more interested in dancing. She loves to dance in circles.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hayden enjoyed putting Spongebob stickers on her face! This is a short blog. I was out of town for work this week and spent the weekend sleeping and playing catch up. Unfortunately we didn't take a ton of pics....
We did go bowling on Sunday for Cassie and Kyle's 16th birthday. Hayden had fun
Bowling is in her blood
She loved moving the balls around
literally, that is all she wanted to do
The waitress brought out a ramp that Hay could push the ball down and it would go down the lane. I think Hayden played a better game than me!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a great New Year's Eve and day. On New Year's Eve we had a slumber party at Mandy and Michael's. Hayden sported her Princess Monkey PJ's that Aunt MaryAnn got her for Christmas. Here she is sitting on Auntie Sally's lap
Partying hard! She is holding the New Year's hat that she made at daycare
laughing with Auntie Mandy
Wearing one of the dog's Santa hat
playing with her laptop
wearing her puppy slippers
big smile!
Hayden didn't make it to midnight. At about 10pm we found her making a bed in front of the fireplace. Shortly after, she was fast asleep in her pack-n-play
New Year's day we watched a bunch of football. Auntie Loli fed Hayden blueberries and she loved them
Uncle Michael fed Hayden a Spongebob Popsicle
Wearing the sweater that Auntie Loli got her
playing dress up

Here is a video of Hayden hiding in a dresser. She actually hits her head with the door and it sets her into a fit of laughter!