Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Bucks!!!

On Saturday we had people over to watch the Buckeyes beat Miami!!! We had a great time (especially Hayden). Here she is wearing Guido's buckeye hat
Just drinkin and watchin the game. Hayden is drinking water, of course :)
Hayden loves Guido dressed up in his hat and buckeye t-shirt
What a little Buckeye fan!
The family - all dressed up and ready for the game!
Wow, Ms. Pouty!
Kevin and Hayden doing the "bird face." Guido is wondering what is going on and I am just smiling "completely unaware of the shenanigans of Hay and Kevin"
Wendi and Crosby (this is their version of Scarlet and Gray - Khaki and Maroon?)
Crosby and Hayden playing with Auntie Lauren
We are working on Crosby now....trying to train him to be a Buckeye's fan
Hayden found Crosby's hat
There were some scary moments where I got really nervous for by Buckeyes. But in the end, they pulled out the Win! O-H-I-O!!!!
On Sunday we went up north to a baby store that was having out door music and dancing for the kids. Hayden had a great time.
By the time we got home, it was nap time for the whole family.

The first video is of Hayden trying a buckeye for the first time. She loved it (of course)! I always make a double batch of buckeyes and this time I made 109!!! Hayden absolutely loved it! The second video is of her dancing on Sunday at the children's store.

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