Sorry this blog is so late, but Kevin and I took a vacation to San Francisco this past weekend and didn't get home till Monday night. We were gone from Thurs night - Monday and had a blast. Hayden had a great time as well! She stayed with Auntie Mandy and Uncle Michael and they had tons of fun! On Friday, Auntie Mandy and Auntie
Loli took Hayden to the zoo. She loved the
Go figure, she liked the Gorillas!

Yes, that is her sitting on a statue of a gorilla with it's baby

Apparently she loved hugging the sidewalk lamps

and hugging them

We did really well being away from Hayden for so long and it sounds like she did well too. Mandy and Michael said she was an absolute pleasure and they would watch her anytime. We are so lucky!!!

We are still sore from walking around San Fransisco. It sure is hilly!

Lombard St. The most crooked street ever!

Standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge

China town!

On Friday night I met up with some friends that I went to college with. Sarah, Sean, Amy, and Ellen (not pictured). It was great catching up! So much fun, that Sean, Kevin, and I met up again on Saturday night!

On Saturday, we rented bikes and biked across the Golden Gate bridge into
Sausolito. It was a HARD
bike ride. The instructor told us that there were only 2 small hills. My A@* there were only 2 small hills! It was a workout!

That's my man!

Yup, that's me biking over the bridge

Kevin in front of the painted ladies. Makes you think of Full House, doesn't it?

We also took a night tour of Alcatraz. That was really cool

I think Kevin looks like he belongs

Of course we road the cable car

We also went to Grace Cathedral that has a
labyrinth inside and outside the church

Kevin and I both walked the
labyrinth on the inside. It is very relaxing. Neat experience!

We also took a tour of the Cable Car museum. All in all it was a very fun (not relaxing at all) vacation! But we are glad to be home with our monkey