Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hayden's 1 year photos

Well, Mandy outdid herself AGAIN!! For a hobby, Mandy does such an amazing and artistic job at photography. She took 1500 pictures, narrowed them down to around 150, then edited those photos. She spent soo much time on this and we can't thank her enough. They are beautiful and capture the best year of our life! Thanks Mandy. Enjoy the below pics of our 1 year old monkey...

They totally weren't posing for this picture. Mandy just captured the moment...

Another moment caught. Notice the tear running down her right cheek?

My personal favorite....
Really she is eating a bagel right now


Jessica and Jeff said...

Great pictures! I really love the picture with the pearls. Can't believe how big they are getting.

W.C. Stephens said...


dis·tinc·tive   /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/
1.serving to distinguish; characteristic; distinguishing:
2.having a special quality, style, attractiveness, etc.; notable.