Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wendi's Baby Shower!!!!

Hayden is officially getting into everything!! Here she is inside our wine rack :) She also took her first "step" this weekend. She did it a couple of times, but just moved one foot and then would sit down. I wouldn't say she is walking yet, but super close. Then we are really in for it.........:)
On Saturday we went to Wendi's baby shower. Her and RJ are adopting a baby boy in Feb. and we are soo excited for them!!!! The theme was "building the baby's library" and we had children's books hanging from the trees....

She got lots of good things for the "little one".....
Auntie Mandy and Hayden
Hayden got pretty tired at the shower so decided to take a nap mid lunch.......
The Hungry Caterpillar cake....
This was Wendi announcing to us all that the sex of the baby is a boy and that the due date is Feb. 12th
Auntie Lauren and Hayden
Hayden likes her PJ's that Auntie Tenille got her.....
Angie and Stephanie came over on Sunday to watch the Browns vs. the Chargers. Hayden was torn but decided to be a Browns fan and represented in brown and orange sweat pants....
Half way through the game she decided to fall asleep on Daddy's leg
Stephanie and Hayden

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