Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Fun!!

On Saturday we went to a carnival and Hayden got to fish for a prize
What did she win?.....
A green doll!
For $3 dollars you could have unlimited sledding in a tunnel with man-made snow! Only in San Diego :) We didn't do it, but they did give Hayden a snow ball to play with. It was a ball of ice :)
After the carnival we went out for burgers
Hayden wanted Daddy to kiss her bear
On Sunday, Hayden and I went to visit Wendi and Crosby
Hayden likes playing with Crosby's toys
She is getting sooo big!
Look at Lil' man! He is sooo cuddly!
Hay eating a rice cake

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beach Day!!!

Hayden loves imitating her Uncle Michael
On Saturday we went over to cousin Dan's 50th birthday pool party. Hayden LOVED swimming in the pool!


On Sunday we went to the beach for the day. It was perfect weather and Hayden was excited!

lounging in a beach chair

We got Hayden to actually walk in the sand. Kevin took her down to the ocean and she really enjoyed. The ocean water is very cold, so she didn't get in, but she thought the water was pretty cool.

Here is a video of her pointing to her nose, ear, eye, etc

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy Weekend!

On Saturday Hayden went to Anella's (on the left) 1 year birthday party. She had a great time!
She loved the cupcake!
What a cute chair!
Mmmmmmmmmmm chocolate pudding!
Thanks Auntie Mandy for bringing the chocolate pudding

I like to feed myself
Chocolate is soooo good!
On Sunday, we got to babysit Puppy Lucy
I try not to put too many pictures up of Hayden without clothes (this blog isn't 100% secure) but I couldn't resist showing you all what fun Hayden had playing in the hose. Enjoy!

Hayden has really gotten good with her animal noises. She can say what a puppy, sheep, cow, bee, monkey, cat, and duck says. When she says what a duck says, she flaps her arms as well. The video is of Hayden dancing to one of her favorite songs...."Old McDonald"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fish Tank

Last Sunday we had a slumber party downstairs. Hayden got a bath, her blankie, and her Mickey and she was ready to go!
About 2 seconds later, she was passed out on Kevin
This weekend, Hayden discovered our fist tank. Her new favorite thing to do is to get right up to the tank, kiss the tank and talk the fishes ears off!
Walking in Daddy's shoes
On Saturday we went over to Karla and Jim's house for Louie's b-day party. Hayden loved walking around her brick planter wall. Good think Emily was there in case she fell
That night we went over to Mandy and Michael's house. Hayden loves playing hide and seek!
Here I am!!!!!
Here is a video of Hayden talking to the fish. She also gives them a kiss and gives me a "scowl" of a look. Pretty funn!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My first Ponytail!

This weekend mommy gave me my first ponytail!
Pretty cute, huh?
Woah! I think I like it!
I am turning into such a big girl!
Saturday night we had people over for my birthday. It was a great time. Kevin cooked awesome food, we played corn hole in the parking lot, and I had chocolate cake! What more could I ask for!
On Sunday we wen to the Chula Vista Science Center. It has an aquarium, nature walk, and amazing birds like the bald eagle. Hayden really enjoyed the aquarium!
Look at all these fish!
How huge is that jelly fish!
Getting ready to go on our nature walk.....

Yup, I am standing in a large bird nest
The scenic view on our nature walk....
I had a GREAT weekend!