Last Sunday we had a slumber party downstairs. Hayden got
a bath, her blankie, and her Mickey and she was ready to go!

About 2 seconds later, she was passed out on Kevin

This weekend, Hayden discovered our fist tank. Her new favorite thing to do is to get right up to the tank, kiss the tank and talk the fishes ears off!

Walking in Daddy's shoes

On Saturday we went over to Karla and Jim's house for Louie's b-day party. Hayden loved walking around her brick planter wall. Good think Emily was there in case she fell

That night we went over to Mandy and Michael's house. Hayden loves playing hide and seek!

Here I am!!!!!
Here is a video of Hayden talki
ng to the fish. She also gives them a kiss and gives me a "scowl" of a look. Pretty funn!