Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week of Firsts

On Sunday Kevin cleaned out the shed and did some work on the plants. Hayden likes helping her daddy
This week we started "attempting" to brush Hayden's teeth. The biggest problem is she wants to hold the brush and doesn't want any help. But she would rather bang the toothbrush on the bathroom mirror than put it in her mouth. But we are making slow progress.....
Apparently not a fan of the flavor!
Nothing was getting passed those lips!
On Friday we had dinner with RJ and Wendi. Hayden got a nice nap on the way up.
On Saturday we took Hayden to get her first "Professional" haircut. She did really well sitting in the "big girl" chair.
Chop Chop
Look at that serious face
Hayden now has even hair in the back
Hayden's stylist gave her a sucker when it was all done. She LOVED that!
On Saturday we went to a street fair. Hayden liked wearing Yogi's hat.
There were bands playing in the street and Hayden was a dancing fool! She had everyone in the beer tent laughing and pointing! But she got tuckered out eventually.

Hayden has really gotten into hugging and kissing people. She even hugged a sales associate's leg at Macy's on Sunday. Here is a video of her giving her mommy a kiss

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mandy's Bachelorette Party

This Saturday I attended Mandy's Bachelorette party. She is getting married on May 29th. We decided it would be fun to go wear gaudy bridesmaid/prom dresses and go to Temecula to go wine tasting. Mandy's brother (Gary - in the Afro) was nice enough to be our designated driver. We had a great time! Mandy is on the left, Gary, then Linda (Mandy's mom), and Gina (Mandy's sister)
Me with the blushing bride!
Here we all our before heading out to Temecula. Aren't we sexy ladies? :) Obviously only the PG pictures made this blog :)
Hayden got a fat lip at daycare this week. I was attempting to take a picture of it, but was unsuccessful
But you do get to see all of her teeth!

On Sunday we went out for breakfast. I guess Hayden didn't like hers :)
After breakfast we walked to the beach to let Hayden walk in the sand.....
She wanted no part of it! She is only smiling here because I picked her up. The second her feet touched the sand she started crying. Well we have all summer to get her used to the sand
Sunday afternoon we went to Balboa Park for Earth Day Festival

Hayden is staring to learn how to eat off of a plate. She has been using the one that Grandma Jo and Papap sent out that used to be Kevin's. I also try to zoom in on her fat lip :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Short Blog

We had a nice weekend. On Friday, Kevin went golfing and Hay and I went on a walk with Loli. On Saturday I went shopping with the girls so Hayden and Kevin had a day together (I think they watched a lot of the Simpsons). On Sunday, we went to an engagement party. It was a low key weekend and I didn't take a lot of pictures.
Hayden loves to cuddle with her Daddy
If you sit on the floor, Hayden will come and sit on your lap. It is her new favorite thing to do!
Here she is eating a cell phone

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Birthday and Happy Easter!!

On Friday we went over to Loli's house to play games. Uncle Michael loved reading to Hayden
On Saturday we had people over to celebrate Kevin's Birthday. Hayden had a great time! Kyle loves his little Hayden :) Kevin had a great birthday and I did play a small April Fool's joke. I took red lipstick and made it look like Hayden had a stomach rash. Kevin was calm and collected though and didn't freak out when he saw it. I was trying to get him to get nervous and call his brother for advise but he just said "If it looks like this tomorrow, then I'll call Clay." So, it was a clever idea, but Kevin didn't overreact. Such a good dad :)
Hayden looked adorable in the outfit that Grandpa Kuhlman bought her
I think Hayden got her big mouth from me :)
reading her book...
For Easter, Hayden got some cool sunglasses from Grandma Gail
On Sunday we went over to Karla and Jim's for some cornhole, great food, and an earthquake! It definitely shook the house and when we got home some books had fallen from Hayden's bookshelf. So, it was a bit of a scare, but nothing too bad.
Hayden loved her Easter dress that Grandma Jo and Papap bought her